HOMEOutline of Research - Purpose

Outline of Research


Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Bulk Nanostructured Metals ~A New Structural Material Full of Unexpectedness"

Project Leader : Prof. N. Tsuji, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University

"Bulk Nanostructured Metal=the polycrystalline metallic composed of matrix grains or phases having sizes smaller than 1µm" exhibits unique mechanical properties which are beyond our expectation. The goal of the research project is to establish a novel and innovative research field in materials science through the study of Bulk Nanostructured Metal with a cutting-edge method in various research fields. We expect to achieve the goal through close collaboration of world-wide researchers in various field and integrating experimental studies and simulation studies. In addition, the project intends to involve many young researchers in order to cultivate their international competitiveness.